all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 9GA 5 0 53.36481 -2.848069
L25 9GB 5 0 53.36506 -2.849621
L25 9GD 68 0 53.363471 -2.849274
L25 9GE 11 0 53.364682 -2.849674
L25 9GF 34 0 53.363647 -2.849819
L25 9GG 32 0 53.363278 -2.851134
L25 9GH 4 0 53.372679 -2.855139
L25 9LR 5 0 53.368115 -2.848435
L25 9LS 12 0 53.366268 -2.847887
L25 9NA 18 0 53.374306 -2.855141
L25 9NB 25 0 53.372993 -2.856498
L25 9ND 30 8 53.37059 -2.856901
L25 9NE 30 0 53.37395 -2.854563
L25 9NF 26 0 53.373323 -2.854265
L25 9NG 26 0 53.370981 -2.852505
L25 9NH 31 0 53.371551 -2.85199
L25 9NJ 20 0 53.373143 -2.855599
L25 9NL 6 0 53.3717 -2.856217
L25 9NN 30 0 53.37244 -2.854608
L25 9NP 18 0 53.371857 -2.854476